Saturday, December 25, 2010



There a lot of differences between living in the USA and Thailand. Most of them are interesting, if not fun...some are annoying, but it is my choice to live here and so I usually take it all with a grain of salt.  

In the States, if I said I’ll meet you tonight at 7 p.m., I will be at the appointed place no later then 7 p.m. - or at least call the person and let him know I will be late. Here, unless it is something of urgency my friends may show up at 7, or 9, not at all or possibly 7 the next morning! Also, for some reason that I only have a vague idea of, 7 pm also may mean 1 a.m. in the morning. Figure that one out!

Thai’s will take great effort to cover their mouth when using a tooth pick, but will pick their nose, examine the findings and dispose of it without thinking...anywhere! I remember when I used to be driving at home and I saw someone doing that (usually when driving their car) I would think it was disgusting, but when I think of it, what is better...blowing my nose in a handkerchief and saving it? Now, that I am a “native” I do the same thing. Much more sensible!

In the States, eggs were always stored in the they never are.

Left over food was always put away in the fridge as well, but here it is just put on a shelf and left until someone gets hungry and eats it.

We all share food here...does not matter who is buying...if you are hungry, just dig on in! Even if I am passing by a neighbors apartment and they are eating I will be invited to share. If I see something that looks intesting I will just grab a fork or spoon and taste it. No one cares...

This is only a small sampling of the minor cultural differences, but one thing for sure is that I have never heard of or seen a Thai person with ulcers!

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